Thursday, June 28, 2018

Morning on the Ottawa River

Morning on the Ottawa River was painted from a photo I took early one morning from our boat while we were at anchor. I really enjoyed working with this long, narrow canvas for this work.

Another Grandchild Portrait

These portraits are getting somewhat easier as I build on my experiences. I have really enjoyed doing them.

(The colour of this image is a bit off from the original work)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Happy Place

This painting was inspired by watching a Bob Ross Tutorial on YouTube. Bob Ross is and amazing oil paint artist who makes everything look so easy. It is actually quite amusing to watch some of his tutorials.

For this particular painting ... yes, I am using the singular since these photos are actually of the same painting ... phase one and phase two . For the first image I painted a tonal painting using paper towel, a sponge brush and a script liner. When this was completely dry I glazed over the entire painting with my coloured acrylic paints to come up with the second image.

It was a very fun experimental painting since I wasn't too worried about the outcome! I am very pleased with the results but can see areas that could
be improved. I am very keen to try other paintings using the same  technique but adding some of my own flavours to them.

... stay tuned ...

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


I have begun a tradition of doing a portrait of  each of my grandchildren for their first birthdays. So far the photos that I have worked from have been taken at around 10 or 11 months of age; a time where the children's characters really start to show. It has been a wonderful experience for me spending this extra and focused time with each of these characters. Somehow I feel that I get to know them a little better and ... if it is even possible ... love them a whole lot more! 

Cole is my third grandchild portrait completed. I  feel that in doing these portraits (with much input and constructive critique from my painting community) I am growing as an artist. My observation and colour mixing skills are definitely being challenged!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Paradise Found

Paradise Found was again inspired by our sailing vacation in the North Channel, Georgian Bay. The photo from which I painted this painting was taken while 'gunkholing' in the Benjamin Islands.