Monday, September 26, 2011

Laundry Day

Laundry Day is another long painting since I wanted to focus on the laundry and the table. I spent time this summer going out with people from the Manotic Art Association to different locations to do Plein Air Painting. I mainly did pencil sketches. Originally, when I sat down to sketch this scene my main motive was the laundry but I found myself getting lost in the umbrella and chairs and the sunlight. Artists would say that I entered 'the zone'. It was quite an exhilarating experience for me. With this painting as well as the sketch that I did of the same scene I trie to employ some principles that I was reading about in one of my art books. I am quite pleased with the results.
Painting Plein Air this past summer was one of my highlights in a very busy summer. I felt that I really grew as an artist through this activity and am looking forward to taking part in this experience again next year.

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