Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall Cows

Fall Cows is part of a three part series. See Summer Cows and Two Cows.

Summer Cows

Summer Cows was from a photo that I took locally. I was preparing for an art show and decided that it would be nice to do a couple of other cow paintings of similar size to my Two Cows painting(see post for April 16, 2011) to create a series. I ended up representing Winter, Summer and Fall in my series so I renamed Two Cows. I now refer to it as Winter Cows. I was asked at my show where my Spring Cows were.

Wedding Tree

Wedding Tree is a different type of 'guest book' that we used for my son and daughter-in-law's wedding this past summer. I drew the tree in pen and ink then the guests put their finger prints on it for the leaves using an ink pad. They then signed their leaf. It turned out to be a very attractive memento for the couple to hang on the wall of their home.

Laundry Day

Laundry Day is another long painting since I wanted to focus on the laundry and the table. I spent time this summer going out with people from the Manotic Art Association to different locations to do Plein Air Painting. I mainly did pencil sketches. Originally, when I sat down to sketch this scene my main motive was the laundry but I found myself getting lost in the umbrella and chairs and the sunlight. Artists would say that I entered 'the zone'. It was quite an exhilarating experience for me. With this painting as well as the sketch that I did of the same scene I trie to employ some principles that I was reading about in one of my art books. I am quite pleased with the results.
Painting Plein Air this past summer was one of my highlights in a very busy summer. I felt that I really grew as an artist through this activity and am looking forward to taking part in this experience again next year.

Sea Gulls

Sea Gulls was painted from a photo that I took in Cape Hatteras NC. I am enjoying painting in 'long' format since it poses a new challenge. I did a similar painting to this one but forgot to take a picture before I framed and sold it at an Art Show. This one was given to my friend as a gift.

Rachel and Ted

Rachel and Ted is a pencil portrait that I did as a wedding gift / guest book for my daughter and her husband this past summer.

Eric and Kristen

Eric and Kristen is another pencil portrait that I did as a wedding / guest book that I did for my nephew and his wife in Alberta.


CCS is a painting that I did on commission. It was presented to the former principal as a retirement gift.