Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Lone Pine

The Lone Pine is a painting of a typical white pine that you can see in the Georgian Bay area. This particular tree was located in the Benjamin Islands of the North Channel in the Georgian Bay. The photo was taken years ago and unfortunately this tree no longer exists since it was cut down.

The tree and the rocks in this painting were done entirely with a pallet knife. I also added some acrylic modeling paste to my paint to thicken it and give it some texture.

It was a fun painting to do since it seemed to paint itself. 

McGregor Bay Impressions

McGregor Bay Impressions was a painting that I created using several photos taken while motoring up McGregor Bay, Georgian Bay. The views in this bay are spectacular. The boat in the foreground belongs to my brother. We have been sailing in the North Channel, Georgian Bay area together with my brother and his wife for the past four summers. About two years ago, after completing our passage up the bay and over a glass of sherry, my brother challenged me by asking how I would depict what we had just experienced in a painting... This painting is the result of that challenge and it wasn't easy!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spring Morning

Spring Morning was inspired by several things one of which is the view that I see from my kitchen window in the spring. 

My husband likes to call this my portrait landscape. 

I did some playing while creating this particular painting; I did a large part of the bottom third using a palette knife and I used some Coarse Molding Paste in the paint to give it some texture.

Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird was inspired while on a bike ride last year spring. It took me a year to complete but I am happy with the results.

Red-winged Blackbird painted on two canvas panels. One is 18"X36" and the other is 6" X 36". I believe this is called a diptych. 


I recently did this painting of my grand daughter for her first birthday. It was a huge learning experience since I haven't ever completed any portraits in Acrylic before.