Sunday, December 28, 2014

Captain Trevor

Captain Trevor is a very quick sketch that I did of a photo that I took of Trevor as we were sailing in BC with him. It is not as photo-realistic as other portraits that I have posted on this blog but it didn't take me the 20+ hours that those other portraits did. 
With this sketch I first toned my paper with graphite then lightly drew my outlines and erased the highlights and darkened the darks. I find that this technique helps to establish a 3-D effect quite quickly.

Into the Light

Into the Light is a painting done from a photo I took while sailing in the Channel Islands in BC. I was drawn to the early morning sunlight coming through the trees.
While painting this composition I learned a lot about colours - especially about using warm and cool colours. I was able to learn these things through the valuable critiques of fellow artists at my weekly drop in group painting sessions.

Cogs and Chains

Cog and Chains is a series of paintings that were inspired by a Plein Air trip to Black Rapids Locks in Ottawa. I had fun playing with and cropping the photos that I took while on this excursion; finally coming up with the four compositions. Painting the rust and the chain was challenging but I am happy with the end results. All four paintings are framed together.