Friday, March 15, 2013

Four Season's on the Farm

 I once saw a painting in a magazine that was a triptych of one city scape depicting three seasons. I thought it was really neat so wanted to try something similar. Four Seasons on the Farm is made up of four 6" X 6" Masonite panels loosely depicting a local farm through the four seasons. The biggest challenge in creating this painting was to have a sense of continuity both in the subject matter and with the colours. Winter, with it's stark whites, was the hardest to assimilate into the series. My favourite of the four panels is Spring which just seemed to flow out of my brush.

Sunbeams Edited

 Last time that I posted my painting Sunbeams, I received a few comments about the 'red scrub' in the background so I decided to tone it down a bit. I only touched the scrub  in the original painting - it is the photo that gives the impression that I darkened the entire painting.