Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Walk in the Woods

Walk in the Woods is an acrylic painting that I did from a photo that I took while doing a hike in Hamilton while visiting my parents. I used a black canvas as a starting point since I wanted to see how this would affect the colours of the paints. Also I was watching a video on YouTube which talks about being able to achieve more depth by leaving some of the canvas exposed. Finally I was hoping that by starting with a dark canvas I could really accent the light in this painting. I am not sure that I achieved all my goals but I am pleased with the outcome of the painting and did learn a few things in the process such as getting the rocks to look textured. Every painting is an adventure and a learning experience.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pensive Moment

Pensive Moment is a drawing of a photo of my nephew taken several years ago. For this drawing I toned the entire paper with graphite then erased the highlights and darkened the darks. I really enjoy this technique - as my husband would say I am releasing the picture from the paper. I am really pleased with the outcome of this drawing.

Two Trees

Two Trees is a painting which I attempted to do in the impressionistic / Group of Seven style. This one was done on a piece of Masonite board rather than canvas. I struggled with this since it was a much smoother surface than what I am used to.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jack Pine .... again

I tried to paint this tree using and impressionistic style and also with a Group of Seven flavour. I'm not sure that I totally succeeded but it did end up being loser then I normally paint. I am pleased with the result.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland was done as a challenge for the Manotick Art Association christmas party. We had to do a painting that incorporated the words ring, star, technology and road. At first it was a daunting assignment but once I really started thinking there were several images that would have worked.
Another criteria that I set for myself was that I would be able to use my work for a Christmas card - which I did. That is one of the reasons why I didn't post it right away since I didn't want to give away my secrets. Another reason is that I was having trouble logging into my blog for awhile. Over the next little while I will try to update my blog since I have been working...sort of.