Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Georgian Bay Scene

Georgian Bay was painted using acrylic paints. I bought an Acrylic Painting DVD tutorial which I used to paint the sky but I decided to paint the rest using my own photos.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The purpose for doing the painting Sunflower was to do a loose painting using plenty of water and developing the painting through a technique known as negative painting. I really feel that I was able to obtain my objective. I feel that another strong point of this painting is the bright, pure colours.


Smokey is a drawing of a stray cat that hung around our yard a couple of years ago. He was one of the most beautiful and friendly cats that I had ever seen. When he showed up it was obvious that he was well cared for and not abandoned. Luckily for him and his owners he found his way home in late August.