Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pen and Ink

Pen and Ink is a drawing that I did of my friend's house for their farewell party. Again, I had all the guests sign the mat with short notes of farewell. Doing this pen and ink drawing brought me back a few years since I used to do similar drawings for real estate agents to give as gifts to their clients. Back then I did not have a digital camera as I do now which certainly made the whole process easier since I went back several times to take photos of the house in order to do a fair rendering.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guest Book

This drawing of my nephew and his bride was used as their wedding day guest book. All the guests that attended the ceremony and reception signed the mat. The finished product was then framed and given to the couple. Viewed here are both the drawing before matting and the drawing with all the signatures.